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Ryan Henderson and Bill T. Daniels
Broker Associate / Sr. Loan Advisor

A Ton Of Business Your Mortgage Broker Could Be Referring You Today

A Ton Of Business Your Mortgage Broker Could Be Referring You Today

As a trust attorney, you are always looking for ways to increase your business.  What most trust attorneys fail to realize is that having a trusted mortgage advisor in their pocket is one of the best referral partners they can have.

A good mortgage broker is closing 5 to 10 transactions per month and each one of those transactions is an open door to discuss estate planning.

The mortgage broker is seeing the property vesting, how financial assets are held, and the number of dependents each client has.

Put this all together and you have the recipe for an estate planning opportunity.

A mortgage transaction is one of the easiest ways for a lead to be generated and passed on to a trust attorney who understands the importance of protecting the assets that people work so hard to create.

By partnering with a producing mortgage broker you could open the door to tens and possibly hundreds of qualified referrals.

Ryan Henderson and Bill T. Daniels

Broker Associate / Sr. Loan Advisor
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